Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Elements of a Clean Environment - Sanitation

Proper sanitation is essential for maintaining clean public spaces. Excretion of feces, urination and producing saliva and phlegm are normal human bodily functions. What is abnormal is to defecate in the open, urinate in public spaces and spit everywhere. It is a sad observation in our country that these are still practised widely. The proper disposal of human waste is indispensable.

Untreated human waste in the environment poses a serious hazard to human health and safety. It facilitates the spread of gastrointestinal diseases and provides a medium for harmful microorganisms to grow and spread. It also produces bad odours that cause disgust and revulsion.

In order to properly dispose of human waste people have to change their behaviour. Although difficult to achieve overnight, people's attitude and customs have to be modified. Extensive education and social awareness is needed. People have to stop spitting and urinating on the street. Open defecation has to be eliminated. People have to be encouraged to build toilets in their personal spaces as well as use public toilets and that too in a clean manner. People using public toilets have to learn that other people have to use them after. They should not leave the toilet dirtier than they found them.

Secondly, public toilets have to provided. These should be in sufficient number and strategically and conveniently located. They should be safe and accessible. They should be properly built and user friendly.They should be easy to maintain.

Thirdly, there should be a functioning system to maintain these facilities. There should be cleaning staff who are properly trained, paid and respected. They should be supervised and encouraged to take pride in their work. They should be adequately equipped.

Fourthly, the accumulated waste should be properly removed from household as well as public sources. Good sewerage systems have to be built and maintained. Local bodies should plan for the future and build sewerage systems that have excess capacity that is adequate for years to come, taking into account new development in the future.

Finally the sewage has to be treated properly before it is disposed of. Treated sewage water has to safely released into the environment. Brand new and posh apartments with ultra modern toilets inside cannot discharge their sewage into an adjoining open public compound or water body. This is the same as open defecation. Accumulating solid material, night soil has to be composted or safely disposed of otherwise.

If a step by step breakdown of the problem is undertaken and solutions are found and implemented the sanitation woes of the country can be solved.

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