Saturday 1 December 2012

The Sources of Uncleanliness

In Tamil Nadu and India most public spaces are sadly in an unclean state. For an advanced and ancient civilization, it is indeed a perplexing problem. Sixty five years after independence, India still struggles to keep its public spaces clean. Any responsible society should pause and reflect why it is so and find solutions. To find solutions we have to clearly identify the problems. As part of this we have to define the sources of dirt.

1. Littering
Although people litter in any society, it can be safely said India truly leads in this behaviour. Littering is a personal behaviour that can only be eliminated if individuals take responsibility. It is difficult to police and penalize when it is so widespread. The majority has to modify their behaviour. Punitive measures can take care of the minority who would not change. An all out effort should be taken to modify the behaviour of the masses. Education, spreading awareness and fostering of civic pride are essential. Behaviour is difficult to modify in the adult. Efforts should be made to win over children and young adults. Local governments and other agencies or private entities that manage public spaces should provide the infrastructure such as bins and maintain and service them regularly.

Dumping is the act of transporting ones waste to another site and depositing it in that space. Dumping of some sort takes place in most societies often surreptitiously and is an illegal activity. What is different in India is that it is done quite openly in plain daylight. What is worse is that it is often practiced by local government bodies. This has to stop. If a local government bodies does it,  the levels of governments above them should intervene. The authorities at every level must be more responsible. It is an activity that is easily prevented by adequate legislation and enforcement. Stiff penalties should be imposed. Again proper infrastructure and systems to facilitate proper disposal are important.

3. Spitting
This is a uniquely Indian phenomenon. Spitting in public spaces is a curse of our country. Again aggressive behaviour modification campaigns are needed followed by penalties. In jurisdictions like Mumbai, penalties are in effect and efforts are made to enforce them but are largely unsuccessful due lack of behaviour modification of the masses.

4.Public Urination
Urinating in public is accepted behaviour for men in India. It is not so in most parts of the world. Many people who habitually urinate in public spaces would be surprised, if told that what they do is wrong. After all they have been doing it all their lives. This has to change. Mass education and change in community attitudes is needed. By the same token the authorities have to provide clean, convenient toilet facilities and maintain and service them regularly. After that, the ones who do not comply can be persecuted.

5. Open Defecation
It is an open secret that many people in the state and country continue to defecate in the open. Although a shameful fact to many, it is a real problem and has to be dealt with. Again mass education and behaviour modification is needed. Many programs initiated by various levels of government are available and should be utilized properly.

6. Discharge of sewage into common water bodies
This is criminal, but nevertheless exists. This is the rich man's open defecation. People who live in swanky apartment buildings blissfully ignore the fact that the excreta flushed down their toilets ends up in a local river or lake untreated. Their social consciousness is limited to just holding their noses tight when passing these polluted water bodies. Buildings and new housing should not be allowed to be built until the builders have shown proof how they are going to handle the sewage.

If the above problems are addressed, our public spaces will be second to none in the world. It is a challenging task, but can be done. It has to be done. We owe it to our country. We owe it to ourselves, our children and theirs.

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