Thursday 11 July 2013

The Role of the Celebrity in Fostering Civic Consciousness in India

The lack of civic sense or consciousness is often blamed for the unclean state of our public spaces in India. There are many reasons for civic indifference. One of the primary reasons is a lack of awareness among the general population. To overcome this apathy widespread awareness and education is needed. There is no better way to encourage adults to change their ways than for role models to exemplify the change.

Celebrities are looked up to in any society. In India we treat our celebrities with near reverence. Many of us passionately follow celebrities of our choice. The fanatic zeal that some celebrities instil in some people is a uniquely Indian phenomenon. This idolization of the celebrity, gives these uniquely talented men and women a special influence over people.  Some have have capitalized on this intense popularity and their charisma to enter politics and successfully hold political office.

Indian celebrities come from many different fields, but are primarily from the film industry and sports. Most sports stars are cricketers. These individuals lead privileged lives in a country where millions barely eke out a living. They are well paid and have a unique viewpoint on their country. They have travelled and have seen the world. Their wealth, richly deserved, derives from the adoration and adulation that the general population bestows on them. Although they deserve this fame and fortune as they are talented people, they do owe a debt to the country which so loves them.

Their position gives them great influence over the common folk. If they speak, people will listen and follow them. They have a duty to try and change civic behaviour in our country. They have to be role models and ambassadors of change.  Even those who do not have political leanings, can lend their influence for this worthy cause. It costs nothing and has no political risks.  It will only enhance their image and aura.

Many celebrities have done great things for the country. They should turn their attention to the cleanliness of our public spaces. Others should join them. Together we can make the new India a truly shining one.

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